Ballistic Racers

The Ballistic Racers let Ashley of Fox 5 San Diego crash their practice as they prepare to compete in flyball! Flyball is a dog sport that began in Southern California in the early 1970s; it was quite popular but lost momentum during the pandemic. Now a local team is calling on people to participate and support the sport that both people and canines love.

Source: Go Ballistic over Fly Ball!

A Ballistic Racers Flyball feature set to air Tuesday night, June 24th, at 10:30pm on #SDLive directly after Padres Live on FOX Sports San Diego.

#SDLive airs one show a week. The show continues to re-air throughout the week, so you have several chances to catch The Ballistic Racers Flyball feature! For example, the show will air Tuesday night but then again Wednesday morning at 11:00 am and 4:30 pm. It will also air over the weekend.

Normally #SDLive airs as scheduled, but during baseball season the shows tends to air an hour of so after schedule depending on how late the Padres game goes. Last week #SDLive aired at 11pm when it was scheduled for 10pm. For now, though, anticipate Tuesday 10:30pm, Wednesday 11am and 4:30pm.

Enjoy the show!

Brian and Joanne

We love racing at tournaments but we also enjoy many other events we do with our team. One of our biggest demonstrations we participate in is the Escondido Humane Society’s “Paws in the Park“. Demos are a great way to educate the public about flyball but are also a great way for new dogs to get accustomed to a tournament-like environment.


Sometimes a few weeks before an event we are asked to make an appearance on TV. This helps to promote the occasion and generates enthusiasm among our team mates. Tuesday March 11th was one of these special days. We were asked by Katie Woolsey of the Escondido Humane Society to join her at Channel 6 on the “San Diego Living” show. At the station we ran an abbreviated one jump course with three different breeds of dogs being represented, giving the public just a taste of the fun of flyball.


We had such a great time as you can see from the pictures and video working with Laura Cavanaugh (Channel 6), Tiffany Frowiss (Channel 6) and Katie Woolsey (Escondido Humane Society), and of course our dogs.

Brian and Joanne Matsumoto
Ballistic Racers Flyball Team


Max is a southern boy for sure. His sire is from Alabama, his mother from Georgia and spent his first year and a half with us in Mississippi. His litter was bred for show competition, but he’s showing them all that he’s more than just a pretty face. He’s a true southern gentleman when he takes his treats during training, but watch your fingers if you offer him liver! This and his increase in running speed has earned him the nickname ‘Liver Man’.


Max takes the hurdles of Flyball like a boss, but refuses to jump onto the couch or the bed. He prefers to sleep on the floor at your feet, or in his den (kennel). He’s definitely not a cuddler.

His favorite toy to bring his Daddy and Mommy at home is his raccoon that he’s had since he was five months old. Unless his Kong is within reach. Then he’ll bring it to the first human he sees and demand peanut butter. You’ll know the demand because he will stare at you as if he’s willing you to do his bidding.

By Melanie Gloede-Moore

Ballistic Racers Flyball Team put on an excellent flyball demonstration for the Polo spectators on Sunday afternoon July 7th 2013. The crowd watched and was amazed to see training techniques and various line-ups with all sizes, shapes and breeds of dogs. Many spectators had never seen the sport of flyball, a relay race for “Man’s Best Friend”.

Ballistic Racers even had their own Polo player on the team, Linda Drabova, with her dog Indie. Indie is one of the “height dogs” on the team. He and all the other small dogs on the team play a very important role, by keeping the height of the hurdles down.

It was a fun and enjoyable afternoon with a smile on every face at the Polo Match in Del Mar!

On June 8th and 9th the temperatures were extremely hot in Las Vegas, and so were the Cyclones of The Ballistic Racers Flyball Team. With a First Place win on Saturday and another on Sunday, the Cyclones were floating on cloud nine at The Race n Go Flyball Tournament.  Vegas, Cody, Mochi, Indie, Molly, and Pooky had clean runs which put them in First Place. Bullet Dogs did well too, with a Second Place win on Saturday and a Third Place win on Sunday.

It was on outstanding weekend of racing for the Ballistic Racers, placing on both days with both teams in the Riviera Hotel and Casino. To make things even better, they had the best Flyball Fumble Recovery ever posted on YouTube. Be sure to watch it as Zippy makes his fantastic save by running through the spectators to retrieve his ball, and then finishes the race!

All in all, it was a great weekend of flyball racing with our teammates and “Man’s Best Friend”.

Go Ballistic!

Brian and Joanne Matsumoto

Spring 2013

Spring 2013

In Hurricane Utah on October 27th and 28th we had our best days ever. We came in 1st and 2nd place on that Saturday. Bullet Dogs came in first place with Zippy, Dylan, Herbie, Cody, Slash and Archer. Cyclones placed second with Vegas, Ryker, Chloe, Kirin, Molly and Pooky.

All the dogs got dressed up for the Halloween Costume Contest too. We had fun but didn’t win the contest this time. The winning dogs had some very elaborate and intricate costumes but our costumes weren’t bad for a last minute effort.

On Sunday, Bullet Dogs placed third. They were extremely close to second place, but were barely edged out. The most exciting fact though, was they broke our record again. Our previous 19.2 second record was broken with an 18.99 second run. It was the first time ever our team broke into the 18’s. Not only did we set a new record but we also had two perfect starts with Joanne and Mimi. Joanne had a perfect with Vegas and Mimi had a perfect start with Ryker.

We all had a great time, and realized the long drive was worth all our winning moments!

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